Stockholm Sensual


While he originally started dancing salsa in 2008, Stéphane has been spotted by the Kizombalove academy, and have immediately started a framed teacher training during 4 years with the dancer and teacher who introduced kizomba in Benelux “José N’dongala” following his “Kizombalove methodology”. This training has shaped his knowledge and ability to use this teaching methodology. He has started teaching kizomba in 2013 first like assistant and then as teacher.
His main focus as a teacher has always been to make sure students are able to express themselves and have fun on the dance floor, following kizomba values in term of culture but also in term of execution, namely feeling, fluidity and subtlety…
Nothing is more important to him than the say “Learn the rules in an easy and enjoyable way, master the rules then break the rules”.


Daniela Horta is a Kizomba Addict, Instructor, Promoter, Event Creator and the first official face of Kizomba in Denmark and Scandinavia. Officially teaching since 2008, when she co-started Kizomba DK, Daniela is originally from Lisbon, Portugal. She is particularly known for how she is always one with the music and her partner, and how she just dances for her and her partner, and not for an audience – she is playful, but doesn’t have the need for fancy or complicated figures. Having learned Kizomba with the greatest masters in Kizomba like Petchu and Vanessa, Kwenda Lima, Ricardo Sousa and Paula Loureiro, Zé Barbosa and Marta, Hélio Santos, Avelino Chantre and Joana Machado, she spends a lot of her time learning, teaching and sharing the dance and the music all over the world.
Daniela has performed and taught in several countries such as Denmark, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, England, Finland, Poland, France, Belarus, USA, Lithuania, Netherlands, Russia, Hungary, Norway and Italy- to name a few. In 2012 she co-organized Denmark´s 1st kizomba festival which had 7 successful editions. In 2015, she co-created Vamolá – another organization dedicated to kizomba related events in Malmö, Sweden, including the very successful Vamolá Dance Festival – and in 2018 she joined forces with another danish company called “Copenkiz”, where the main goal is to unite the dance community. In teaching she likes to geek it out , and dive deep into the kizomba elements, musi

Dance Delights